Confirmation Guidelines 2019 |
Welcome to Confirmation Preparation. Our hope is that this program will enrich the spiritual growth and development of your family’s relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church community.
The Confirmation Program uses several resources including Chosen Confirmation Program. Chosen is designed to outline our Catholic faith valuable insight and tools that lead to inspiration. It follows the RCIA catechetical model and how this process of conversion can lead teens to a personal encounter with Christ and lifelong discipleship. It is presented by Chris Stefanick and other leading experts. The program is to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation, as well as to carry a lifelong devotion to our Faith. Candidates will be accountable for their attendance. If candidates are not going to attend, contact Sharon Schouweiler or your Faith Sharing Leader. If school is cancelled for the day, there will be no class that day. If school is released early due to weather, there will be no classes. If you are unable to make it for other reasons you will be held accountable for all materials. Candidates are encouraged to take ownership of their Confirmation preparation. “Confirmation perfects Baptismal grace” in which [become a child of God] (Catechism of the Catholic Church paragraph 1316). It creates a permanent mark or seal that identifies us as belonging to Jesus Christ. With the the words "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit" Confirmation increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit within us and makes us more open to His actions and God’s invitation to life. FAITH SHARING GROUPS
They will meet once a month usually during the school year. Faith Sharing Groups will be small group sessions that usually meet in one of the Faith Sharing Leaders’ homes. The goal of each lesson is to have candidates and their leaders share their faith in a safe environment that encourages a relationship with Christ and each other. 2 Virtus Trained adults will be present at the time of the meeting. Students will remain in the same faith sharing group throughout all of Confirmation prep CURRICULUM
The curriculum spans 2 years, and classes will be held Wednesday nights from September through May. Faith Sharing times vary by group but will be within a week of date posted. The second year schedule will be provided in the fall. RETREAT
We will have at least one retreat that will be required. This will most likely be scheduled next year in the late fall or early winter. This usually is a NET retreat BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATES
A copy of the Candidate's Baptismal Certificate is required for Confirmation. These need to be handed in March 2018. If you were baptized at St. Joachim, let us know, it should be on file.
A sponsor can create an environment for the candidate to ask questions about faith in a safe and supportive environment. Essentially, the sponsor mentors the candidate by supporting, listening, and challenging the candidate's faith. The sponsor should be someone who is able to share his/her own faith and who can relate to the candidate. Sponsors are important participants in the fall retreats as well as the confirmation, so consider a person who will likely be able to attend these events. The sponsor must meet the following criteria :
Canon 874 - To be admitted to the role of sponsor, a person must: be designated by the one to be confirmed, by the parent(s) or individual(s) who take their place or, in their absence, by the pastor or minister and is to have the qualifications and intention of performing this role, have completed their sixteenth year … be a Catholic who has been confirmed and has already received the sacrament of the Most Holy Eucharist and leads a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken; not to be the father or mother of the one to be confirmed. The Sponsor Project will be due in May of 2018 and will include typed page including… • Why you chose this person to be your sponsor. • A list of characteristics you admire in this person. This will be due May 2018. |
All confirmation candidates will need to select a Confirmation name. Each candidate is to find a Saint whose life experiences inspire them toward greater expression of their faith through action. Confirmation Name report will include the following
The interview process is a set of 2 interviews one in the fall and spring of their 10th grade year. Orientation Interviews This interview is held between the director of Faith Formation, candidate, and at least one parent/guardian. The purpose is to see where the candidate and family are at with their preparation for the Confirmation and allows time for adjustments in the parish program to meet the individual needs of the candidate. Clergy Interviews This is required by the bishop and will be during the winter months of the final year of preparation. Fr. Becker or Deacon John will need to meet with every Confirmation candidate prior to receiving the Sacrament. To continue dialogue of faith growth, vocations, and readiness for Confirmation. LEARNING CENTERS & other monthly activities
These are interactive learning experiences that may include speakers or centers to be defined later. These are designed to be attended by parents/sponsor with their candidate. LETTER TO THE BISHOP
The purpose of this letter is to help clarify what is happening in their lives and what it means to be confirmed. Diocesan guidelines state, “In the letter candidates can tell what they have been doing to ready themselves for the sacrament and why they wish to be confirmed as a Catholic Christian.” These will be handed in to your faith sharing leader and given to Sharon Schouweiler who will mail them to the Bishop prior to Confirmation. It must be typed and at least one page long. This will be due in Feb. 2019. The letter should be addressed Dear Bishop or The Most Reverend. CONFIRMATION CANDIDATE'S SERVICE ACTIVITIES
Confirmation candidates are required to do service projects. Service projects will be planned in the Faith Sharing Groups. The groups will be encouraged to find projects that interest them. All students are expected to participate. This will be due in March of 2019.
A Service Project Report is to be presented to your Faith Sharing Group and/or class. This report should include the following four things:
The diocesan guidelines state that, at the time of infant Baptism, parents are told that they are the primary teachers of the faith for their child. Young people need to see their parents modeling their faith in their daily lives. Parental involvement should be encouraged through the following measures:
Confirmation rehearsal will be announced after we get the final date for Confirmation. We ask the candidates to attend practice and inform the sponsors of any pertinent information. All Confirmation students need to be at the rehearsal so that they will be fully prepared for the ceremony. CONFIRMATION DRESS
Diocesan guidelines state that dress should be appropriate for a festive occasion. Men wear a dress shirt (preferably with a tie) and women wear dresses with shoulders covered (appropriate length) or dress pants. The guidelines also state a concern of gum chewing during the Ceremony, so please do not indulge in gum chewing on this most glorious occasion. |