Welcome to the Parishes of Saint Joachim and Immaculate Conception |
MASS TIMES Saturday 4:30 PM at St. Joachim Sunday 8:30 AM at Conception 10:30 AM at St. Joachim Monday No Daily Mass Tuesday 8:30 AM at St. Joachim 10:30 AM at St. Isidore @ Green Prairie Wednesday 8:15 AM at St. Joachim Thursday 8:30 AM at St. Joachim Friday 8:30 AM at St. Joachim Anima Christi
Soul of Christ, sanctify me. Body of Christ, save me. Blood of Christ, inebriate me. Water from the side of Christ, wash me. Passion of Christ, strengthen me. O good Jesus, hear me; within your wounds hide me. Let me never be separated from you. From the malicious enemy defend me. In the hour of my death call me, and bid me come unto you, that I may praise you with your saints and with your angels, forever and ever Amen. |
A parish cluster in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester
St. Joachim Parish seeks to courageously proclaim the Truth and Love of Jesus Christ to all people through Word and Sacraments, and to live the Catholic Faith in loving service to our parish and community for the salvation of souls. Year-Round Faith Formation Fundraising![]() We invite you to help us to support our Faith Formation program by purchasing gift cards in the Narthex, at the Parish Office or ONLINE!
To purchase gift cards online go to https://www.rcsmn.org/about/scrip, click on +register (found about halfway down the page), complete Parishioner Registration Form, select St Joachim & begin shopping for Gift Cards. It’s that easy! Thank you for your support! Welcome Father Tojy Jose, OFM![]() We welcome Fr. Tojy Jose Mandapathil, OFM to St. Joachim and Immaculate Conception Parishes beginning Monday, July 1st.
Fr. Tojy was born in Kerala, South India, is a member of the Order of Friars Minor (OFM) within the Franciscan of the Province of St. Thomas the Apostle, India. He was ordained as a priest on April 20, 2004. He has served in the Church in various capacities in India, Israel, and the USA. He has been Principal of a High School, Superior and Treasurer at different Franciscan Friaries (Monasteries), and the Administrator of the Indian Catholic Community in Israel. In the USA, he served as Associate Pastor at Holy Name of Jesus Church in Cedar Lake, Indiana for two years. In February 2024, Fr. Tojy joined our diocese, where he has served as the Associate Pastor of the cluster parishes of Slayton, Fulda, and Windom. We welcome Fr. Tojy with open arms and look forward to getting to know him. ![]()
Thank you for supporting the Catholic Ministries Appeal. Your gift supports ministries and services that carry forth the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s mission and vision, including faith formation, vocations discernment, Hispanic ministry, and many more. Every gift makes a difference!
Bishop Robert Barron commentsBishop Robert Barron shares some reflections on a political conversation concerning where our rights come from.
April has been designated in our country as child abuse awareness month. The sexual and physical abuse of children is a problem that runs through the whole of our society, but as we all know, it has been a particular curse within our own Catholic community. Bishop Baron wrote a short book on this entire sad subject called Letter to a Suffering Church. This text is available online, free of charge at, sufferingchurchbook.com. Everyone in our diocese is encouraged to download and read it. Please continue to pray for all the victim/survivors of sexual abuse throughout our society. Election Year Statement![]() "Catholics are called to be faithful citizens and to infuse public life with the values necessary to protect human dignity, combat injustice, and promote the common good. Because of this duty, it is necessary that we, your pastors, reflect with you on the state of our public life and the choices Minnesotans face as we go to the polls in a year in which all state legislative and executive officers are up for election."
To learn more: Please download the Minnesota Catholic Conference Election Year Statement below that is supported by Bishop Barron and all of the Minnesota bishops. ![]()
SYNOD 2021 -2023![]() WHO? The entire people of God are invited to the synod!
WHAT? The Synod is a way for us to all journey together in order to discern and to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Its goal is to promote communion, participation, and mission. HOW? The primary way of participating in the Synod is in a spirit of listening – first to the Holy Spirit, then to each other. We have selected three key questions to focus on. 1. Do I feel like I belong in this community? Why or why not? 2. What hinders me as a baptized Christian from being an active, missionary disciple? 3. What area of Christ’s mission are we neglecting? We invite you to print the Synod question sheet, respond to the questions and return the form to St. Joachim by February 15, 2022. Question sheets can be mailed, dropped at the Parish Center, or placed in the collection basket at Church. Pope Francis wants to hear from YOU! We are all on a journey, a journey of faith. "God meets us where we are, on the often rocky roads of life." ~ Pope Francis For more information download the documents below.
Diocese of Winona-Rochester Sunday MassThe Diocese of Winona-Rochester Sunday Mass can be seen online and is broadcast on local television. Use the link below to see the broadcast schedule or watch the Mass on Youtube.
Diocese of Winona-Rochester
![]() Help us build a home in the heart of the community
Ways to Help: Pray: Follow us on social media, comment - and let's pray for each other. Give: Consider a gift to help us reach our $7.7M goal for the Motherhouse. Share: Ask 10 friends to share with 4 of their friends! For more information visit: https://solt.net/motherhouse Stewardship![]()
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it"